zondag 17 oktober 2010

The Terror (1963)

It's october and I'm following Cinemassacre's Monster Madness every day, this is where James Rolfe (Angry Video Game Nerd) reviews a horror movie everyday from October 1st until Halloween. He started this back in 2007, he reviewed some of the best horror movies ever made, year after that he did all the Godzilla movies and a year later he did some lesser know horror films but good ones, but this year he is taking out some of the worst best made horror movies ever. We've had fucked up shit like "The Exorcist II", "Robot Monster (see picture), "From Hell it came" wich is about a tree killing peopleAnd now he has also reviewed a movie called "The Terror", it starres Jack Nicholson in one of his earliest films, before he was famous, and horror legend Boris Karloff (Frankenstein 1931) around the end of his career (5 years before his death). The film intrigued me by his cast and the story behind it.
This film was directed by Roger Corman, who was know at the time for some quick and I think shitty movie making, when he finished filming "The Raven" he was 3 days to early, instead of letting that time go to waste, he decides to use those days to film another movie with some cast members of "The Raven" (Nicholson & Karloff), and a script was no problem to them, they made stuff up minutes before filming a scene. they shot stuff like Boris Karloff and Jack Nicholson wondering around in a castle and them talking about plots and stuff. after 3 days of shooting he sent some crews to shoot the outdoor scenes, one of them suprisingly was Francis Ford Coppola, even Jack Nicholson directed some scenes while Corman was sitting on his lazy ass at home. Nicholson even almost really drowned during a scene where he is in the water.
Imagine we almost had no Jack in "The Shining" or The Joker in "Batman" over some lazy ass piece of shit director.
but I'm gonna talk about the film a bit.
The movie takes place at the beginning of the 19th century in france. Nicholson plays a french officer stranded at some beach as he sees a girl and falls in love with her inmeadiatly, he searches for her all trough the movie, but according to The Baron played by Karloff, it's the ghost of his wife, but actually it's a girl who has been put under a spell by a witch who wants to take revenge on the baron, there are twists at every move, but it all doesn't makes sense and it's just confusing, especially in the end with the baron spirit and shitt
The only reason this film can be enjoyable is for seeing young Nicholson and old Karloff, they are just great actors, and just knowing the whole story behind this film. (+ a kinda cool gory scene)
Fuck of a movie but fun to watch
I was lucky to find a DVD copy of this at my local DVD store, good old second hand bin. I payed 5 euro for it though. The DVD cover claims that the movie is a Horror Classic, Not sure if we can call it that.
At it's runtime of 1hour and 20 min, it's worth a watch if you are a Nicholson/horror fan.

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