dinsdag 6 april 2010

Alice In Wonderland (2010)

Finally I got to see it, unfortunately I was to late to get to see it in 3D so I had to see it in 2D, wich is good I guess cause I think it wasn't worth the 9 euro ticket I would have bought after I saw the movie, but my friend bought my ticket for my birthday so anyway.

The movie starts of pretty beautiful flying over London and meeting young Alice, by then she has visited Wonderland but can't remember anything, instead she thinks it's just a nightmare she has been having for years to come, we fly 12 years later I think, and Alice has grown up, she and her mother go to some sort of garden party but turns out to be an engagement party for her and a lord who is going to ask her to marry her, Alice runs away following the white rabbit (as she followed the white rabbit in the old "Alice In Wonderland"). And falls down a hole falling into Wonderland, this scene is pretty tense with some nice visuels, to this point the old Alice In Wonderland has been sorta remade, until she steps into the Wonderland, Alice admires her surroundings and is amazed by what she sees (I can't blame her). Until all the Alice In Wonderland characters show up and start dragging her around from place to fucking place, UUUUUURGHH.... seriously it was fucking annoying, from then the story went fucking messy with all this shit story dragged in you face, maybe it was Tim Burton's intention to make you feel dragged along with the character, IT DIDN'T FUCKING WORK TIMMY. But I don't think Burton isn't here to blame for, it's those fuckers at Disney, but I'll get back to that later...

We also meet up with the Red Queen played by the amazing Helena Bonhem Carter, and her head is fucking HUGE.... cool. Kinda heart shaped to. Carter did an amazing job performing the Red Queen, I can still hear her scream "OF WITH HER HEAD!". She really sticks into the role. But the only reason she probably got this role is because she is fucking the director.
Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter wasn't anything special, just a crazy Depp role. People have said that he is like Jack Sparrow at moments.... Only because he does a fucking raspy voice, WHO FUCKING CARES, I DIDN'T. POTC IS FUCKING DEAD PEOPLE, and there SHOULDN'T be a 4th movie of it, but I might discuss that in later blogs.
Now let's get into the actor who played Alice, Mia Wasikowska, She was pretty decent, I could believe she was Alice, but she definatly got Burtonized being a bit weird and have looking really white. She overall did a good job, I can't imagine someone taking of his eyes of her.
Adventually the story was a shit mess until the end, the epic battle at the end was pretty cool, although the Jabberwocky wasn't as awesome as I would have expected, it was fucking voiced by Dracula man!!! (Christopher Lee). But there are these thins at the end that pisses me of, Johnny Depp.... as the fucking Mad Hatter.... is dancing at a ridiculous sorta hip hop dance and wich we are all fucking expected to laught at... I fucking didn't, because it was fucking retarded, FUCK YOU DISNEY, and WTF with the end credit song... Avril Lavinge.... It made we wanna puke out of my ass and make diaria come out of my mouth. I guess there were trying to aim at some teenage girls for this film, But Pixar didn't do that shit and their movies can relate to ANY age or sort of person. This was the worst end credit song sinds I saw AVATAR.
Overall the movie was ok, not horrible, nor great, this wasn't a Tim Burton masterpiece by far, he made a way better movie last time (Sweeney Todd)
I really hope Burton will finally do a ORIGINAL script or something withouth Disney again, cause I felth in this movie he couldn't do some stuff he wanted.
Overall I give it a 3/5, it had nice visuels and had some funny and strong parts, but it's on the edge of a 2,5.

-Stijn Heirstrate

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Good review, I saw it too. Not as good as Burtons other stuff, but ok.
    (I am Just_A_Minifig BTW. I made a new name for my blog)

    Hialrious review hahaha, reread for mistakes though
