woensdag 7 april 2010

Clash Of The Titans (2010)

I just got back from seeing Clash Of The Titans, and... it was.... not much, but fun.

Men declare war on the gods because... because.... they don't answer their prayers or something, I don't know.
Zeus, played by Liam Neeson, is pist of so he sents his brother Hades, played by Ralph Fiennes to earth to UNLEASH The Kraken onto the city Argos.
Meanwhile the basterd son of Zeus, Perseus, played by Sam Worthington, who lives on a boat with his family whome he was adopted by, get killed by Hades, wich I think everybody obviously saw coming, they see Hades attacking soldiers and Perseus suggest to get out of there, his father says: "no wait". IS HE A FUCKING MORON? THERE IS AN EVIL GOD BEFORE YOU, FUCKING RUN! And yeah, Hades kills them and Perseus survives...
Perseus is now out to get revenge on Hades.
Hades treatens the people of Argos that he will unleas The Kraken on Argos unless they sacrifice their princess to The Kraken
In Argos they find out that Perseus is the son of Zeus, a semi god (half man, half god) so they they come to him asking him if he would defeat The Kraken, he sees this as an oportunity to take revenge on Hades
Also Perseus learns the offspring of his existens, Zeus tricked some queen called Danaƫ into sleeping with him, hand so made her pregnant with Perseus.
and king Acrisius being pist off throws his wife and her baby son perseus into the ocean in a box. The Queen dies but Perseus survives and is found by his adopt father. He also apparently is being watched over all his life by some sort of... victim of godly powers, a woman called "Io". She is never able to grow older.
So Perseus and some Argos soldiers and Io, go on a journey to some witches to ask if they know how to defeat The Kraken.
Meanwhile Hades makes a deal with king Acrisius, who has been discarted by a olympic lightning, and as we remember was the husband of the queen Zeus slept with.
Hades asks Acrisius to kill Perheus and gives Acrisius some god powers to do the job.

Enough synoposis, from there on the movie gets fun with action packed scene's, with awesome CGI monsters (except for Medusa, she looked awfull....). Although expect some cheesy dialogue and some jokes that worn't really funny...
The visuels in this movie looked great, it's a real eye catcher
And The Kraken , WAUW, but still I love that stop motion Kraken more.
While they travel they get joined up by some sort of sandwizards. And if you have seen the original Clash Of The Titans, you know if you look at Medusa, you turn into stone, THIS HAD NO AFFFECTION ON THE SANDWIZARD... WTF.... Why couldn't Hades do the same sort of power for The Kraken???? DUUUUUh, HE DID A STUPID!
If a simple wizard has that kind of power, why not a god?
And that's not the only anti logic you will find in this movie...
adventually Perseus destroys The Kraken and saves Argos.
perseus goes back to his old life as a simple fisherman, and in the course of the movie Io was killed, but his father Zeus brings her back to life keep him company for... you know what ... He leaves a fucking prostitute with him instead of bringing back his dead family, yay!

This movie deserves a 3'5/5

Only go see this movie when your into kick ass entertainment and not really interested in a logic plot

Speaking of Kick-Ass, hmmm....

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