zaterdag 29 mei 2010

Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut

First off I wanna thank Tristan for selling me his incredible DVD of Donnie Darko's Director's Cut, wich was hard to find.
I'll be talking about my experience in this movie, and yes with spoilers, if you haven't seen the film then why are you reading this? GO SEE IT!
Donnie Darko is about a teenager with some psychological problems, but the movie goes on to be a pure Sci-Fi and horror, deals with religious topics and asks hard questions. Is there a god? is it possible to travel trough time?
When I first saw it (the theatrical cut) I was blown away, and totally confused, I had no idea what I was loving, and I still don't after seeing the director's cut, this movie is just a pure mind fuck thinker.
So I'll try to make a theory in my own words and I can be very corrected.

Donnie is sorta special, he can see the space sorta spheares to see people's fate of were to go, and in order to save the world he needs to die? he was definatly meant to kill frank cause his spheare lead him to the gun to kill Frank, but why? what's frank? does he turn into some evil force that later travels back in time to save Donnie to end the world?
And by killing Frank he killed himself? and by that he saved the world by dying by staying in bed ? WATFFFUUUCK.
and there are all these little things, what's up with the fat guy? He appears 3 times, or even more for all I know.That's the hard part of the movie.

I really liked Donnie as a character, and some of his friends, they were just hilarius.
"You are the fucking antichrist man"

The songs used are great, and fit the scenes well, especially the scene where they introduce the school and the end scene with "Mad World", just gives you the creeps.

They made me do this review

After watching the Director's Cut, I inmeadiatly digged in some of the extras, the first was the "Darkomentary"
It's a short documentary made by the 1# Donnie Darko fan, he shows how much he loves the movie, it's hilarius and creepy at moments, he has like 20 DVD copies of the movie, he stalks the director by calling him and kissing him at comic con, jumps up to actors that were in the movie, making them say lines from the movie, has pends days watching the movie, has like a room dedicated to all Donnie Darko pictures, and he sometimes even talks to pictures of Donnie Darko and Frank from the movie, I don't know if he is really like that, or just acted like that to get on the Director's Cut DVD, still fucking hilarius and creepy.
Next I watched "They Made Me Do It: The Cult Of Donnie Darko".
It's about the british DD fans, and how the film really hit on in the UK, how it affected some of the interviewed people life's, it's insane.

I I give 2 thumbs up to the DVD box for it's glorious front
DVD: 4,5/5
Film: 4,5/5

-Stijn Heirstrate

maandag 17 mei 2010

The Hammer Collection movie reviews: Part 1

Sorry for the long delay, but it's FINALLY here!

First review:

Plague Of The Zombies (1966)

Hammer digs into a zombie flick (this was 3 years before Night Of The Living Dead). And I must say my overall experience was good.You get a creepy atmopsheric, balls to the wall cheap horror flick, with some dry blood. The characters in this movie are dull though, they act to weirdly and to kindly for me. The girl character really needed to get laid (in my opinion should have been raped), she goes around stupidly, with a stupid looking face and just feel useless. some male characters did better but not good enough. However the the strong parts in this film for me is the use of great scares and the low budget, you can see how some of the effects are obviously done, but that is what makes it good, it gives that extra dirty feeling and sickness to the movie.
The movie really had me jumping at times, the scene where the guys wife became a zombie, scared the shit out of me (I couldn't even look), or the dream sequence with zombies rising from the grave, just pure horror movie gold. The movie deserves extra credit for it's 60's gore! (head chopped of, walking burning corpse!)

It's a good start for me in the Hammer box
4 out of 5 burning corpses

Dracula Prince Of Darkness (1966)

back to back played in theatres with Plague Of The Zombies, Hammer makes Dracula returns after many years (don't know what happened there...). and they bring a sorta disappointing sequel.
Dracula rises again and bites the lady's, same shit, but this time Peter Cushing disapointingly isn't back as Van Helsing, but instead have these british boredoms doing the male roles. The movie gets strong with it's violent, but ends unsatisfying where people probably expected more from Dracula, he has no dialogue... AT ALL.... I read somewhere that Christophere Lee (Dracula) refused to say some dialogue because it was REALLY, REALLY bad dialogue... maybe I can't blame him.
If the film had Peter Cushing it would have been way better.

The Nanny (1965)


Hammer's last B&W film The Nanny is a suspensfull, well written and acted film. Bette Davis as The Nanny just OWNS, for a sweet old lady she scared the crap out of me. I almost could feel that this is the british low budget version of Psycho. The B&W definatly helps here.
Everybody thinks she's the best Nanny in the world, everybody goes with it, until the kid starts saying she killed someone and really slowly starts to build to a point that you need to believe the kid, and ends with a smart plot and feels very satisfying, not a 100% satisfying, but way more satisfyinger than Dracula Prince Of Darkness...
This one I REALLY recommend to horror fans, this one scene is just brilliantly directed.


PS: Sorry for the long delay, and I'll dig deeper into the movies next time.